Lean Coffee Meetup

A "Lean Coffee" under the Meetup banner is an agile interpretation of a networking event for software testing professionals in our case. Because time is precious the monthly morning coffee is a very intense and quick-fire format. Final moments close with a summary where everyone states one thing they learned. Results here may vary, and I made notes only for our table which was half of the 12 or 13 odd who attended. A voted Q&A format with 8 minutes per topic presented the following ideas.

  • How to develop new testers. Getting up to speed suggestions. 
(Test mentoring, timeboxing, domain learning and process learning discussed)
  • Is the programming language used to write automated tests important?
(pros and cons for Java,Ruby,Python and importance of test fixtures were covered. As well as scale-ability and performance)
  • In a one man test team, how do you plan?
(3 amigos, division of responsibility, assesment of the security risk, assesment of scale risk)
  • How to get others to see your side of a test failure?
(describe the risk to business and cost clearly)
  • Biggest challenge in test 
(horror stories ensued)

In the meet I mentioned a link to this clip to share with people

If you want to join up with us, please follow this link and sign up. https://www.meetup.com/Ministry-of-Testing-Cambridge/events/243456138/?rv=cr1&_af=event&_af_eid=243456138&https=on
