Hacking Dirt3 sound files

Want to know how to listen to the cool audio tracks from Dirt 3.
I was trying to do a quick tut on how to upload a clip from Dirt 3 directly to youtube. It's actually quite easy once you know, but devilishly hard to figure out unless you own a typing monkey. I got frustrated by all of the cryptic steps! All I wanted to do was to race and then upload my race footage to youtube. So "we" decided to write them up for myself (in another post) in case I forgets how.
Anyway, back to the backing soundtracks hack.

Firstly you will need to scan this article that led me in the right direction. Or download the Ego Audio Tool tool directly here:
Ego Audio Tool
Now go into
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\DiRT 3\audio\dictionaries\pc_mu_frontend
There are other sound file folders, but this is the one you want. But that's not important because you cannot rip the files for conversion, you can only replace them. Anyway, the program will find the folder for you.

Just double-click a track to play it back.
And here is where Fraps comes in, if you are still in the dark, you have probably not been using Fraps and doing random game clip uploads to youtube for long enough. I bought Fraps about 20 years ago (yes I did) and it is totally helpful for all of this kind of thing. You will also want to check out  Audacity the free audio editor that really does rock when it comes to putting your own mic inputs down on top of your footage.
